了解更多太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站图书馆的信息! 的 SJC 图书馆 offers a variety of rooms and study to students and community membersspaces



太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站图书馆为学生和社区成员提供各种各样的空间. 图书馆有40多台电脑供学生使用. 整个图书馆都有学习桌. 学习桌配有内置电源插座,用于插入笔记本电脑和其他设备. 的 图书馆 provides a charging tower with many different charging cables to charge a variety of phones and other devices. 的 图书馆 also has two study rooms for student use/ group use on a first-come first-served basis.

If you need assistance with wayfinding please contact 可及性服务 at (505) 566-3643 or (505) 566-3271.



A太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站.D. 借阅任何图书馆资料必须出示借书证. 大多数书可以借三个星期. Residents 18 years and older who are not SJC students may obtain a SJC 图书馆 card by showing proof of a current San Juan County address. 自检系统可用于所有常规循环物料.


请在指定的截止日期或之前归还资料,以便其他人使用. Borrowed books may be returned to the book drop at the Circulation Desk or outside the 学习共享.


Patrons may renew their books one time, unless the item has been requested by another patron. 续订可以亲自或通过电话进行. 逾期图书不能通过电话续借.


Lost or damaged materials will be charged according to the fee rate posted at the circulation desk.


如果材料没有在指定的截止日期或时间内归还,则收取罚款. 成本:


Patrons will not be allowed to check out materials until all fines have been paid at the Circulation Desk. 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的学生将收到第一次逾期通知的处分. Sanctions prohibit students from registering for classes and obtaining college transcripts. 在缴纳罚款后,制裁将解除. 罚款最高可达10美元.每件借阅材料00英镑.

图书馆旨在成为一个所有使用者都可以学习的地方, 做研究, 浏览书籍, 使用电脑,通常在一个没有威胁的环境中做自己的事情. 顾客应表现得有礼貌, 尊重他人的权利,他们需要一个安静的学习环境, 电脑, 研究和写作.

We expect patrons to respect other patrons’ use of the 图书馆 for these purposes and to respect the 图书馆’s books, 建筑, 以及其他财产. Any patron’s conduct which disrupts or interferes with other patrons’ proper use of the 图书馆 or the 图书馆’s operations is unwelcome prohibited.


用户, 通过他们的行为, persist in harassing or annoying others and thereby disrupt their ability to concentrate on their work will be given one warning regarding the specific behavior. 如果行为继续, disruptive patrons will be asked to leave the library for a length of time to be determined by a library department head. If upon return to the library, disruptive behavior continues, patron privileges may be revoked.

If library staff determines that the situation requires it, campus safety or police may be called.

Behavior that is considered disruptive to the normal use of the library includes (but is not limited to) the following:

  • 大声或吵闹的行为,包括大声说话、喊叫、奔跑或打架.
  • 除非有成人陪同,否则儿童不得进入图书馆, 并且必须永远在一起.
  • 对工作人员或其他图书馆使用者有挑衅或威胁行为
  • Behavior that makes it difficult or impossible for another patron to continue 使用 the library.
  • 不戴耳机播放音频设备, including the library’s 电脑s (Other patrons should not be able to hear these devices)
  • 在酒精/非法药物的影响下, 或出售, 使用, 或者持有酒精或非法药物

食物 & 饮料

食物 & 图书馆里允许喝饮料——但要有限度,而且要整洁.


图书馆的电脑需求量很大,但可用性有限. 我们不鼓励顾客长时间使用这些有限的资源. 图书馆的电脑主要用于研究和学习. Patrons who wish to play 电脑 games or use other digital media are encouraged to use campus 电脑 labs.

Materials referred to in this policy statement may be defined as those items which are used to support and enrich the curriculum and that are selected for students, 学院教职工及本县居民.

材料选择, 因为课程的扩大和新教材的出版, is a continuous process; therefore, 材料由教员等合格人员选择, 图书馆员, 并通过管理人员个人或委员会的研究和推荐.  图书馆服务处处长有权作出最终选择.  的 Director will encourage faculty participation in both materials selection and withdrawal of obsolete materials.


  1. 提供丰富和支持课程的材料, 考虑到不同的利益, 能力, 和学生的成熟程度.
  2. 提供能鼓励个人和智力在知识上成长的材料, 文学欣赏, 不同的观点和其他智力刺激.
  3. To provide a background of information which will enable students to better make informed decisions.
  4. To provide a variety of views on controversial issues so that students may develop the practice of critical reading and thinking.
  5. 提供代表许多宗教的材料, 少数民族, 文化团体以及他们对美国传统的贡献.
  6. To be guided by the principles of intellectual freedom in order to assure a comprehensive collection appropriate for the users and mission statement of the library.


  1. Materials which are educationally suitable and ones which are essential and appropriate for development of the subject.
  2. 经过充分研究和深思熟虑的材料.
  3. 被认为具有文学审美价值的材料.
  4. 具有持久和/或及时价值的材料.
  5. 作者应被认为在该领域有能力和资格.
  6. Materials dealing with controversial issues are represented by both sides of the issue in thoughtful manner.
  7. 图书馆使用的材料应该构造精良,足够耐用.


Materials donated or bequeathed to the library shall be evaluated and accepted according to the same criteria as materials purchased. All materials accepted shall become the property of the college and subject to the library’s rules of distribution, 住房, 和处置. 赠与、遗赠证明是复制品或者已拥有的物品的, 署长须根据本政策作出处置.


与适当的人员协商, 下列材料可以退出收集并丢弃或交换:

  1. 过时的材料:很快过时的科目;
    Information that can be misleading; e.g.、百科全书、目录、旅游、地理、科学、职业、医学.
  2. 多余的重复.
  3. 磨损严重或污损严重的书籍,但有适当的替代品;
  4. 与馆藏无关且非标准标题的材料.
  5. 不再被认为是准确或事实的材料,并且没有历史价值.
  6. Materials reported lost and not recovered with two years will be marked withdrawn in the inventory records.


的 selection of library materials is predicated on the user’s right to read and freedom from censorship by others.  许多书都是有争议的,任何特定的条目都可能冒犯某些人.  此库的选择将不会, 然而, 基于预期的同意或不同意而作出的决定, but solely on the merits of the materials in relation to the building of the collection and to serving the interests of the readers.  的 library holds censorship to be a purely individual matter and declares that while anyone is free choose one’s own reading material, 一个人没有权利限制别人的自由.

Individuals questioning the appropriateness of certain materials for the college library should present their criticism, 以书面形式, 向图书馆署署长查询.  批评应该指出书中令人反感的内容, 期刊, 或出版物, and explain why you feel the item does not meet the library’s criteria for material selection.

的 work as a whole should be considered, and not just statements or portions taken out of context.

的 Circulation Desk is responsible for scheduling usage of the library study rooms (Room A: 6212 & B室:6214),先到先得.

  1. A 必须持有有效的SJC学生证 to check out a study room, and also to borrow items/equipment for use in the room (markers, keyboard & 鼠标等.).
  2. 退房时间为三(3)小时(*不允许续订). However, a study group (of 3 or more individuals) may be allowed 2 consecutive checkouts for a max. 每天6小时.
  3. 每个房间都配备了一个房间 最多六(6)人. 不要从附近的桌子或电脑台拿多余的椅子到自习室.
  4. 保持小音量 在谈话和播放任何音频时. 房间不隔音,最好安静地使用. 为其他图书馆使用者着想 在邻近的自习室和周边地区.
  5. 用户(年代) 在退房期间都要在场,除了短暂的休息. 如果用户长时间不在房间(和图书馆), 图书馆工作人员可以把这个房间提供给其他使用者使用.
  6. 可以吃点零食和饮料,但是 不允许携带餐盘或餐点. 使用者应小心勿将食物或饮料洒出,并须自行清理.
  7. 检查自习室的人是 负责房间的环境,并应将搬离的家具放回原来的位置.g. 椅子放回桌子上). 清洁或修理房间损坏的费用将由他们支付.
  8. 当离开, 确保房间是干净的, 所有的垃圾都放在废纸篓里, 门是锁着的, 借用的物品/设备归还借阅处. 请通知工作人员您要腾出房间.


电话: (505) 566-3249


工作时间:周一至周二上午9点.m. – 7 p.m.
星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.